Hardware Museum

Over 20 years of PC history


Benchmark VGA 1998 - 2001 (2011 edition)

Published: (last update )

Find out how various legendary video cards perform in games and benchmarks. Unlike contemporary reviews, in this test all GPUs are using mature drivers and overclocked Athlon XP provides more than enough performance to avoid CPU-limited scenarios.

Performance summary - all

Performance summary - games 640x480x16

Performance summary - games 800x600x16

Performance summary - games 800x600x32

Performance summary - games 1024x768x16

Performance summary - games 1024x768x32

Performance summary - games 1600x1200x16

Performance summary - games 1600x1200x32

Performance summary - games 16 bit all resolutions

Performance summary - games 32 bit all resolutions

Performance summary - games 16 + 32 bit all resolutions
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